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  1. What is the Ideal Solar Design?

    You may be asking yourself if your roof or property is a good fit for a solar installation. Here is what our design team bases your solar system design on. Remember you don’t have to meet all of these requirements, as we will work with your roof or property to make sure that your solar system is a good match for you.

    solar rack installed
    1. Orientation: You want your roof to be facing south in order to receive maximum solar radiation (since we are in the northern hemisphere). However, this is not a deal breaker and solar panels can be installed on other sides of your roof. If it is installed on any non-south facing side, it just means the percent of electricity generated from the panels will not meet its maximum.
    2. Shade: This is obviously a very important requirement to meet. You want your solar panels to avoid any type of shading during the day. Being surrounded by tall trees may interfere with the solar panels. Our lead engineer would need to further investigate this before making a final decision on whether to cut the tree down or leave it. We can recommend a great company to help cut down the tree if need be.
    3. Material: Whether you have shingles, tile, metal etc. we install on all types of roofs. Tile roofs may require a different type of approach, but it can be done.
    4. Age: Typically, we recommend replacing your roof if it is 15 years old, but that could vary based on your roof. However, our best bet is for our lead engineer to assess your roof before making a final decision on whether you need to replace it before your installation. The solar panels last up to 35 years, so it’s important that your roof can withstand that.
    5. Size and Space: The size of your roof will determine how many panels we can fit. We need to take into account obstructions such as vents that could get in the way of a solar panel. Additionally, we are required to have a setback from the edges of the roof. All of this will be taken into consideration when assessing how many panels can fit on your roof. If your roof is too small or you prefer to not have panels on your roof, we can do a ground installation.
    6. Pitch: The pitch will determine what type of racking system we will use. The racking system is what holds and attaches your panels to your roof. There are a variety of different racking systems and, once again, our lead engineer will need to assess what type of system would work best on your roof.
    temperature gauge on solar panels
    tape measure

    These are the factors that our lead engineer looks at when assessing your roof during a site assessment. We want to make sure that we provide you with the best possible solar system, but remember these are NOT mandatory requirements. If you don’t meet all of these requirements, do not worry because we can still work with you and your roof!

    If you have any questions or want more information about solar energy, please give us a call at 361-360-1800. To schedule your FREE energy consultation, give us a call or book here!

  2. How has COVID-19 Impacted the Environment?

    COVID-19 has drastically changed how we go about our everyday lives. Planes sit idly in empty airports, shipping has been reduced due to border closures, and streets with no traffic in sight have brought forth great change since the pandemic. On the other hand, it has also brought positive change to our environment.

    empty covid roads

    As we sit at home reducing our time spent driving, traveling , and shipping and manufacturing goods we have significantly reduced pollution. Currently, NOAA scientists are studying changes in the atmosphere, weather, climate and precipitation over the past months. They have gathered air samples from cities and studied pollution rates while also assessing impacts of reduced underwater noise on marine life (1). Craig McLean, assistant NOAA administrator for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research stated, “This research is providing new insight into the drivers of change for our oceans, atmosphere, air quality, and weather.”

    Throughout history, spread of disease or global crises has caused lower emissions such as CO2. For example, the 2008-2009 financial crash caused a dip in emissions of 1.3%. Julia Pongratz, professor at The University of Munich, Germany stated, “There are hints that coronavirus will act the same way. For example, the demand for oil products, steel and other metals has fallen more than other outputs. But there are record-high stockpiles, so production will quickly pick up.” However, Glen Peters from the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research in Oslo noted that, “Overall 2020 may still see a drop in global emissions of 0.3%.” This could bring hope in a slight reduction of emissions that we so desperately need. It has been seen before that times of change could lead to new lasting habits.

    The European Space Agency (ESA) gathered satellite date from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite to observe the changes in nitrogen dioxide over northern Italy. They found that there was a decrease in nitrogen dioxide due to strict quarantine measures (2). Nitrogen dioxide is mainly contributed from cars, trucks, power plants and industrial plants.

    Take a look at the video below to see the changes:

    On the other hand, COVID-19 has caused negative impacts on our environment. In a less evident way, COVID has postponed major events such as the biggest environmental event of the year, COP26. This event will be held in November to discuss current climate issues and solutions with 30,000 delegates from around the world. Due to COVID we are now unsure if or how this event will take place (3).

    With this insight, what does it mean for the future of our planet? Will people begin to change their ways and think more consciously about not only keeping themselves safe and clean, but the environment too? Could “cabin fever” as a result of self-isolation cause people to travel more? Or will we power up our gas guzzling vehicles and create even greater environmental problems?

    One thing is for sure, COVID has taught us the urgency of taking action when humanity is threatened. This sense of urgency could be directed toward climate change bringing forth greater changes. We are clearly capable of change if the threat is great enough, but when will climate change be viewed as a big enough threat?




  3. Solar Panels during a Hurricane

    Because most of the Coastal Bend is in a hurricane prone area, you may be wondering if your solar system can withstand heavy wind and rain? Solar systems are designed to withstand extreme weather conditions including high winds, hail and heavy rain.

    panels over canal

    The big concern with solar panels on a roof is wind and water damage from extreme events such as hurricanes. Most solar panels are manufactured to withstand 140 mph wind with aluminum and glass casing that is highly waterproof (1). Each municipality requires the solar system to withstand certain wind speeds. For example, most of the Corpus Christi area requires the solar system to be windstorm certified. We work with our engineering team to make sure your system will withstand high wind speeds of up to 140 mph. The panels are mounted directly onto your roof beam and we make sure no leakage will occur. Not only will your solar system withstand heavy hurricane winds, but it will also act as reinforcement for your roof, protecting it from being damaged or completely blown away (2). The panels also act as a protective layer from heavy winds and hail damage.

    Hurricane Harvey had generated wind speeds up to 134 mph. Before Harvey hit we installed solar panels on an apartment building. The only roof in the entire complex that was still in-tact was the one with our solar panels. Take a look below!

    Hurricanes can also cause power outages. If your system is connected to the grid, it will turn off during the power outage. It does this to prevent electricity from feeding back onto the grid while workers are out trying to fix it (3). There are two ways to power your home during a power outage, battery storage or a generator. Luckily, we can install either for you! If your solar panels do have damage, please do not try to repair the system on your own, it can be very dangerous.

    Overall, we make sure your solar system is designed to withstand hurricanes, so no need to worry about the next time heavy winds and rain come your way! Give us a call at 361-360-1800 or book today to schedule your FREE energy consultation whether it be for solar panels or a generator!




  4. What is green energy?

    As we make a greater shift towards a sustainable lifestyle, we begin to incorporate different types of alternative energy into our daily activities. We commonly refer to this as green or renewable energy; however there seems to be some confusion as these two are not the same. Let’s try to debunk the common misconceptions and get a better understanding of these two terms; renewable energy and green energy.

    porch and metal roof solar install

    According to the EPA, renewable energy is a resource that can restore itself over a human’s life span with minimal environmental impacts (1). These resources include; sun, wind, moving water, organic plants, waste material (biomass), and the earth’s heat. Unfortunately, some renewable energy can cause small environmental impacts to our planet. For example, a large-scale hydroelectric dam can produce energy, however, it can also create problems for fisheries and land use. Another example would be large municipal solid waste turned into energy.

    Green energy falls as a subset of renewable energy and is described as having the highest environmental benefits. According to the EPA, the U.S. voluntary market defines solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and low impact small hydroelectric sources as green energy (1). We see here that solar falls under green power which allows one to provide the highest environmental benefit to our planet. Although we categorize solar energy as renewable energy, it is better described as green energy meaning it has the highest environmental benefits. Solar energy collects the sun’s rays and transforms it into energy that we can use to power our homes, cars, buses, planes, lights etc. Solar energy has the highest environmental benefits because while producing clean energy it also produces minimal waste. We know that in a perfect world we would have an energy source that produces no waste or pollution at all. As of right now that is not possible, but green energy comes pretty close to it!

    use electricity supply

    So when considering what type of energy you want to power your home take a look at the graph below to see what energy sources have the highest environmental benefits.

    If you have any questions about solar energy or how you can go solar please call 361-360-1800 or schedule your FREE energy consultation with us today!

  5. Why you should go solar today!

    Solar energy has been on the rise in recent years, making it an affordable alternative energy source. This is just one of the many reasons why you should go solar. Here are a few more:

    residential solar install
    1. BIG SAVINGS: When you go solar you are simply replacing and reducing your current electricity bill. We aim to offset you current bill completely allowing you to receive a bill of $0 a month.
    2. Avoid utility inflation: It has been projected that the price of utilities will continue to increase. By going solar, you become 100% self-reliant on generating your own energy. You will no longer depend on a utility company to provide you with energy. While you may see utility costs go up, you will see solar energy costs go down. Technological advances have made solar energy very affordable and will only continue to go down in cost.
    3. Increase property value: When you add solar panels to your home it’s like adding a new appliance to your house. When you remodel your home, the value of your home tends to go up. The same thing happens when installing solar panels! The value of your property will increase, however, say you want to take the panels with you – we can do that. We will uninstall your solar panels and then reinstall them on your new home.
    4. 100% independent: As mentioned earlier, by going solar you will be self-reliant and will not depend on any conventional energy companies to power your home. Fossil fuels are a non-renewable energy resource, its supply is limited and will eventually run out – unlike solar, a renewable energy resource.
    5. Protect the environment: This is a pretty big one for all you environmentalist out there. Solar energy is a renewable energy source meaning it is unlimited and replenished within a human’s life time. The sun is an unlimited energy source that we can rely on unlike fossil fuels that have an expiration date. Additionally, burning fossil fuels releases large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other by-products that contribute to air pollution. When going solar you reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating your reliance on fossil fuels for your electricity and ultimately your contribution to air pollution. Our monitoring systems will show you exactly how much CO2 you are reducing when using your system. We aim for a sustainable planet, so that our grandchildren can experience all that we have today.
    6. Incentives and Rebates: Although the price of solar has gone down, the government and local agencies have incentives and rebates in place in order to lower the cost even more. The government offers a 26% Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows you to deduct 26% of the cost of your solar energy system from your taxes. In previous years the ITC was at 30%, however in 2020 the percentage decreased and will continue to decrease. In 2021 the ITC will be at 22%, then further reduced down to 10% for commercial and 0% for residential in 2022. It is important to take advantage of the ITC before it runs out. Local government and agencies do offer other rebates and incentives, but these vary between states and cities.
    7. Solar is EASY: When you choose to go solar with Solar Power Integrator we do all the work for you! All you have to do is provide us with your electricity bill and we do the rest; from system design to permitting to installation and lastly inspections. You just get to sit back, relax and wait for your system to turn on. Once the system is operational you will start see money back in your pocket!

  6. How to go Solar During a Pandemic

    Energy consultant going through a zoom meeting

    We know that times are tough right now, but we want to help you save money where you can. During the pandemic, you might’ve seen a spike in your electric bill simply due to the fact that we were staying home. That required a lot more energy usage whether it be from working at home, teaching your kids classes online or even just hanging out. We know how important it is to save money in a time like this, so let us help you by explaining what measurements we are taking to protect you and our energy team!

    So you’ve decided you want to take a look at how much you could save by going solar. This whole process can be done remotely in order to avoid any kind of contact. First, we would need you to send us a copy of your light bill from the past month. This will help us size up your solar system properly based on your electricity consumption. Without this information we would not know how big or small of a system you would need to offset your utility consumption.

    solar interface

    Next, we would conduct an energy consultation. Usually we would come to your house and show you your savings report; however we are now able to do this remotely via Zoom. This can be done over the phone or on a laptop, whatever works best for you! We will show you exactly how the panels will look on your roof and where they will go. We will explain to you exactly why we can put panels in certain areas and what area will generate the most power on your roof.

    Once we finish the design, we will show you your savings report. This will tell you how much you will be saving, how much the system will generate and the offset of the system. We aim to offset you at 105% in order to eliminate your electricity bill, however keep in mind this is based on your roof compatibility. If you decide you don’t want panels on your roof we also do ground installations. All of this is explained during your zoom conference with our energy expert.

    Lastly, our energy expert will explain your payment options; cash or financing. If you choose to go with one of our financing options then they can get you preapproved right over the Zoom conference. Once we have you preapproved we send over our contract for you to sign through DocuSign. All of this can be done remotely without any contact needed.

Contact Info

Solar Power Integrator
582 Yorktown Boulevard
Corpus Christi, TX 78418
(361) 360-1800
Serving Corpus Christi & South Texas

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