We hope you all are staying as safe and warm as you possibly can during this winter storm! You may be experiencing power outages due to the storm. ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) reportedly required all of Texas’s grid to conserve energy by removing additional electric load. Millions of customers are therefore experiencing power outages, while ERCOT or utility companies have yet to specify when power will be restored.

For more information about how AEP is handling the power outages in your area please visit: https://www.aeptexas.com/outages/details.aspx?stormName=Texas+Winter+Storm+-+February+2021.
While you wait for your power to turn back on, here are some tips to stay warm, according to the National Weather Service:
· Close blinds and curtains to prevent losing heat
· Layer up on clothes and blankets
· Stuff towels and rags in cracks to keep out the cold
· Close doors to unused rooms to avoid wasting heat
· Eat, drink plenty of water, and move around to keep your blood flowing
Please remember to turn off your space heaters at night and do not use your ovens or stoves to heat your house up! Practice good fire safety as you light candles around the house and fireplaces!