A solar installation comes with a long-term commitment that can require maintenance and service throughout its lifespan. But if the company that installed them goes out of business, you could be stuck in a bad situation. Depending on your circumstances, you can take some steps to make sure their closing doesn’t mess up your access to solar power. One of them is to find a company that has been in business for at least five years, sells high-quality equipment, has active licenses and insurance, and is profitable.

Here are some things you can do if your solar installation company has gone out of business.
#1: Call Local Solar Companies or Electricians to Finish or Repair the Installation
If you’re having any issues with your solar panel installation or if the company goes out of business before the installation has been completed, you can call other local solar companies to take over the service. But you’re not likely to succeed, because most solar companies don’t take on jobs that have been done by someone else. Repairing or servicing jobs don’t make solar companies a lot of money. Also, the amount of effort it takes to get replacement parts and the time it takes to find an installer to go to any location isn’t beneficial for them when they can work on a brand-new installation instead.
Working on a system that they didn’t originate can also cause warranty issues, and the shoddy work that was done by the previous company could come back to bite them. There are a few companies that specialize in solar maintenance and repair. So if you’re lucky enough to have one in your location, it will be the best way to get your system up and running.
#2: Find Out if the Company Was Acquired or if Your Account Was Transferred
A larger company will sometimes acquire another. If that’s the case, you might be eligible for service under them. If you have a solar lease or power purchase agreement, your account will most likely be transferred to a new company. Solar companies that go out of business will often sell their leases as assets to other companies, which can be attractive to them because they will own the system and the incentives that can come from these assets. Many leases can also have production guarantees in their contracts, so the new company will want to fix and maintain its assets.
#3: Call the Equipment Manufacturer
If you have any problems with the equipment, you can contact the manufacturer. If the warranty covers the damaged equipment, they can help you get in touch with some certified installers in your area. But you may run into the same problems you would have if you had called them directly. Many installers are reluctant to take on jobs that aren’t theirs, even if they’re familiar with the equipment. And it’s only helpful if the warranty covers the repairs you need.
#4: Call Your Financing Company (If You Have One)
If you paid for your solar panels with a solar loan, you can call the financing company. They might be able to find a local installer with whom they have a relationship. So if you’re in a situation where parts of your system aren’t working and you can’t get them repaired or replaced, you might be able to work with your financing company to defer payments on the system. But it may only be possible if there’s something in your financing agreement that allows payment deferment.
#5: Get Insurance for Your Solar Panel Installation
A lot of insurance companies offer plans for renewable energy and solar panels, and getting one of these plans will give you some protection if you have defective panels, aren’t getting as much output, or have some other damage. These policies are expensive, but they can cover installation and operation damage, power output issues, as well as issues related to the health of the equipment. If you’re concerned about the cost, remember that you could spend the same amount of money on replacing parts (such as inverters or single panels) as you would if you entered into an insurance agreement.
#6 Call Solar Power Integrator, We Can Help
If you’re looking for one of the best places to get or service solar power in Corpus Christi, be sure to reach out to Solar Power Integrator. We have a team of people who would be happy to speak with you about your specific needs!